The value of people

People are a crucial element for the success of our business and it is thanks to their constant commitment that we are able to guarantee a high level of quality and achieve excellent performance.
The professionalism of our collaborators is a precious value that we strive to cultivate through solid and long-lasting relationships with each one of them, favouring stimulating contexts that encourage collaboration and individual growth. We strive to ensure an inclusive working environment that allows everyone to express their characteristics and skills to the fullest.

Health and Wellbeing

The well-being of the company actually overlaps with that of our employees. This translates into the promotion of a healthy and balanced lifestyle, centred on the enhancement of not only physical but also mental health, as well as a working environment that guarantees everyone the possibility of combining work and private life. The company is a member of the Workplace Health Promotion (WHP) Network - Lombardy, which, in collaboration with ATS Brescia (Health Protection Agency) and Confindustria Brescia, develops and disseminates each year, together with other companies that are part of the network, best practices on certain thematic areas that underpin the health and wellbeing of all workers.

Salute e Benessere
Sviluppo e valorizzazione delle persone
Development and enhancement of people

Training and development of potential are the subject of numerous initiatives aimed at creating value for employees and the company, increasing individual awareness and enhancing multiple contributions.
Training represents a strategic lever for skills development, offering useful tools for the search for the best performing solutions for constant improvement.
The creation of a culture of continuous learning within the organisation makes human resources protagonists of the present and, at the same time, of the future of the company, creating a continuous dialogue between skills, strategy and culture.

Health and Safety at Work

The focus on health, safety and well-being of employees is a key issue that forms the basis of everyday life. Therefore, in order to minimise the risks associated with our activities and protect the health and well-being of our employees, we implement targeted strategies and continuous investments in training, state-of-the-art technology and industrial practices improvements.

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