Useful stock price
Brass rod CW614N-CW617N: 7200 €/t
Update date: 28-03-2025
SiBRASS CW724R: 9790 €/t
Update date: 28-03-2025
Copper: 9074.64 €/t
Update date: 27-03-2025
Zinc: 2681.50 €/t
Update date: 27-03-2025
Change: 1.0785 EUR/USD
Update date: 27-03-2025
Brass rod
EUR/USD Change

Actual basis price for Brass Rods CW614N/CW617N calculated on LME quotation of previous day. Copper and zinc data referring to the Official Cash LME Closure of the previous day. Official BCE €vs$ exchange rate of the previous day.